František Veselý
Zahradní 365
267 24 Hostomice
Czech Republic
e-mail: ( is my old email address, still in use)
Identification nr.: 04903200
Zapsán do evidence zemědělského podnikatele.
I began with this passion in 2001 sowing my first cacti but from 2003 on I oriented more to the other succulents, from 2005 focused mainly to genus Haworthia which has grown in collection with more than 1000 different well documented items with good locality data from the best sources.
I am interested in all kind of Haworthias but I would like to highlight that I really like also species like Haworthia floribunda, H. chloracantha, H. cooperi, H. meiringii etc. These are often neglected, which I think is a pitty, there are many different forms with many details on leaves and when well grown they can be attractive too, grower just has to look closer. So, I understand you like Haworthia splendens, H. groenewaldii, H. sordida, H. mcmurtryi or H. bruynsii but do not forget about the others.
In 2007 I also got interested in genus Adromischus, which is very variable and colourful and have built well documented collection as well with hundereds of different items.
Having so many plants I started to run a small nursery in 2016. Most of the Haworthias I offer are from seeds obtained from controlled hand pollination of my own plants.
As I like to be more creative, I also started with hybrids in 2016 and try to make my own crosses.
I hope you enjoy my plants, it gives me joy to grow them as well.
Frantisek (Fanda) Vesely