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about South African succulents – Haworthia, Adromischus etc.



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about South African succulents – Haworthia, Adromischus etc.



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New site & June 2021 offer

haworthia pumila sparsa

Dear growers,

after a long winter here and lower temperatures in spring and then a lot of time for getting ready the new e-shop, there is a new offer of Haworthia, Adromischus and other succulent plants.

I hope the new site will add more comfort and speed for selecting and buying plants. So far I divided plants into several categories – Adromischus, Haworthia, Haworthiopsis, Tulista, Haworthia hybrids (only a few now but there will be more the next years), bulbs, collection plants, stapeliads and other plants which do not fit in other cathegories. In the “collection plants” section there will be offer of plants mainly from my collection and sold individually, each with picture (you will get the plant in the picture).

There is a new email address for the shop and to contact me. You can find it under contact link. Although my new email address is prefered, I still use also my previous email address.

I would like to thank to all who ordered this year, I hope you enjoying the plants and most of the plants were delivered without problems.

There were some problems with delivering to Belgium, Italy, Netherlands (too slow) – for these I recommend to use GLS service – this I tried several times now and it works really fast which is important, especially when you order Adromischus.

I am looking forward to your orders and wish you nice time!

Frantisek Vesely



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